Thursday, May 19, 2011

Extinct and Endangered Mammals

Extinction and animals coming under the category of endangered species have become a very common phenomenon in the recent past. This alarming increase in the extinction would have a very severe impact on the overall ecosystem.

There are various causes of animals becoming extinct or coming on the verge of extinction. Some of the common causes of extinction are destruction of habitat, excessive hunting, global warming, fishing and pollution. Other important reasons responsible for animals getting extinct are population explosion and increase in the pollution.

Many websites offer  information about the extinct and endangered animals. They will provide you additional information about the mammal, the dates when it was extinct and also offer you some simple tips which can be used for saving the mammals who are on the verge of extinction.  Here we provide you with a small list of extinct mammals which have been provided here.

  • Red –Bellied Gracile Opossum
  • Desert Bandicoot
  • Cuban Coney
  • Darling Downs Hopping Mouse
  • Imposter Hutia
  • North African Elephant
  • Dusky Flying Fox
  • Red Gazelle
  • Caspian Tiger
  • Syrian Wild Ass
  • Thylacine
  • Lake Mackay Hare-Wallaby
Some valuable tips which can be easily adopted to save the endangered mammals from being extinct are described below:
  • The activities such as hunting and illegal selling of products of animals skin should be banned and the prohibition should be strictly enforced.
  • Create awareness about the problem of extinction and its effects on all the living things. It will give a brief outline about this serious problem.
  • You should take up activities which will help in the conservation of the natural habitat of the animals. This will help them to get sufficient food and proper shelter which will help them to survive.
  • There should be strict implementation of the rules and regulations which have been taken up for the protection of the animals.
  •  You can also volunteer your services for organizations who are specially working for saving these endangered animals.
The details mentioned above will provide you with information about the extinct animals and endangered animals. For more information you can also check this. It will also provide you some valuable tips for saving the endangered animals from brink of extinction.

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